Through the Eyes of a Dental Technician: Unveiling the Art & Science of Zirconia Aesthetics

Through the Eyes of a Dental Technician: Unveiling the Art & Science of Zirconia Aesthetics

Date : 10 August 2025
Time:  1:30 – 2:45pm
Venue: KLCC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Synopsis :

As zirconia becomes one of the most widely used materials for indirect restorations in dentistry, many clinicians have grown comfortable with it. However, some still have doubts about its properties and applications. By gaining a deeper understanding of zirconia from both scientific and technical perspectives, dentists can maximize its potential, ultimately enhancing treatment success.

No single material is suitable for all indications, and zirconia is no exception. This lecture aims to provide insights into the science, fabrication process, and practical considerations of zirconia. By the end of this session, participants will be able to make more informed decisions regarding its use, communicate more effectively with dental lab when prescribing zirconia as a treatment option and troubleshoot common challenges associated with zirconia restorations.

Key Learning Points: 

  • Understanding the science and technical perspectives of zirconia
  • Clinical decision-making and case selection to enhance success rate of zirconia restorations
  • Learn how to provide precise prescriptions to ensure optimal fit, aesthetics and function

Speaker Profile: Dr. Kelvin Tantono

Dr. Kelvin Tantono graduated from Trisakti university in 2012 and gained clinical experience in Jakarta and Binjai followed by his own private practice in Medan. After more than 5 years of clinical practice, he decided to follow his heart and pursue the field of dental ceramics and has not looked back since. A passionate dental ceramist, Dr. Kelvin has trained on various aspects of dental technology from leading experts –  the art of ceramics from Master Mitsutaka Fukushima, morphology & occlusion from Szabi Hant & Stefano Cossar, Smile design & ceramics with Dr. Marcelo Calamita and his technician, Edson Da Silva. He has also completed the international program at the Osaka School of Dental Ceramics Training School in September 2018. Dr. Tantono is a passionate ceramist whose dental degree enables him to understand the needs and challenges of both the dental surgeon and the dental technician and bridge the communication gap.

Dr. Kelvin conducts lectures and workshop on dental ceramics in Indonesia and internationally. He is also the Key Opinion Leader for Shofu. He believes in sharing knowledge and experiences amongst peers, as this will empower both the dentist and the technician to overcome challenges, obtain predictable outcomes and enhance the quality of dental restorations rendered.

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