SHOFU Disk ZR Lucent Supra

SHOFU ZR Lucent Supra is a premium multi-layered zirconia that harmonizes remarkable strength with life-like aesthetics. The multi-layered, high-strength CAD/CAM zirconia disk features a seamless gradation of translucency that increases from the cervical towards the enamel zone while maintaining outstanding flexural strength across all layers.
With flexural strength above 1400 MPa in the cervical zone, SHOFU ZR Lucent Supra is ideal for a wide spectrum of clinical indications including 14-unit bridges with two connected pontics in the anterior and posterior regions. Designed with higher light reflection in the cervical area, it has life-like brilliance with effective masking capabilities making it ideal for implant cases and discoloured abutments.
- Remarkable Flexural strength optimized across zones for greater durability
- Multilayered with seamless transition of shades and translucencies
- Predictable & consistent aesthetics comparable to Lithium Disilicate
- Made with 100% pure TOSOH Zirconia for reliable quality
Compatible with all current CAD/CAM Systems
Suitable for staining and veneering
Available as a pre-sintered, pre-shaded disk
Flexural Strength:
Enamel: (30%) |
1,034 MPa
Dentine: (35%)
1,163 MPa
Cervical: (35%)
1,454 MPa
Monolayer: Pure White
Multilayer- W0. W2, A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B1, B3, C1, C3 & D2