Pro Arch Articulator IIIEG

SHOFU’s Pro Arch III EG is a semi-adjustable, arcon type articulator simulates the human jaw and provides easy comprehension of jaw movement, with an angle adjustment structure for working side lateral condylar path, as well as for sagittal and balancing side lateral condylar path. This additional structure provides adequate correspondence to lateral check bite and correct reproduction of each patient’s unique lateral border movement, which enables to reproduce accurate lateral guidance that matches with patient’s jaw movement.
- Twin-Plate mechanism at the condylar guidance combines the benefits of both box and slot types. When fabricating a denture, this mechanism prevents the condylar guidance and ball from being dislodged in eccentric position to provide an accurate occlusion. Maxillary and mandibular jaws are easily separated, for excellent handling properties when fabricating crowns or bridges; it can be used just like an ordinary box-type articulator.
- Pro Arch III EG has an angle adjustment structure for working side lateral condylar path, as well as sagittal and balancing side lateral condylar path.This additional structure enables adequate lateral check bite registration and accurate reproduction of mandibular movement.
- The inverted-type adjustment feature makes the condylar path adjustment easy and accurate.
- Centric registration can be easily obtained with the secure locking system.
- The Incisal Pin has a notch that precisely stops at 0 position to reproduce accurate centric occlusal position. The Incisal Indicator can also be used as a reference for tooth arrangement.
- Angles of sagittal or lateral incisal path can be changed by replacing Incisal Tables (0°, 5°, 10° and 15°)
- The Ear Location Pin and Reference Indicator correctly transfer each patient’s natural head position with a Face Bow.
- The Occlusal Plate makes it easy to mount a cast using a mean value of head position. A cast can be easily mounted using the occlusal plane as the reference plane. The guideline marked on the Occlusal Plate provides easy positioning of the cast. A mounting plate for lower jaw is 8mm behind the plate for upper jaw, which provides natural head position to mount a cast easily.
- Die-cast framework is lightweight with high precision and robust with a durable resin coating. Each part is ergonomically designed for easy handling.
- Precise remounting and easy removal of cast can be achieved by the powerful Magnetic Split Cast Mounting Plate (MSMP). Ordinary Mounting Plates can also be used.
- Upper and lower jaws are easily separated when the Centric Lock Levers are released. Upper jaw can be opened up to 120º and stays in place once open for easy access.
- The shape of Incisal Table makes it easy to check the contact between Incisal Pin and Table. Incisal Table can be replaced to change the incisal path angle.
- Individually packed with Incisal Tables 0°, 5°, 10° (pre-attached) & 15°, Occlusal Plate, Splitcast Mounting Plate and Reference Indicator.