Mighty Wax Hard / Soft

Mighty wax is ideal for fabricating wax patterns for inlays, crown and bridge restorations using both the direct and indirect techniques.
- It is strong, resilient, easy to carve and available in two consistencies-hard and soft.
- Box of 20’s / 100’s
- Can of 50 gm
- Restoratives
- Rotary Instruments
- Diamonds
- Abrasives
- Technique Kits
- Crown & Bridge Preparation Kit
- ZiLMaster Finishing & Polishing Kit HP
- Direct Cosmetic Restoration Kit
- Composite Finishing Kit CA / FG
- Ceramage Polishing Kit HP
- All Ceramic Preparation Kit
- Porcelain Adjustment Kit HP
- Hybrid Points Kit / T&F Hybrid Points Kit
- Composite Polishing Kit CA
- Porcelain Veneer Kit
- Enamel Adjustment Kit CA
- Amalgam Polishing Kit CA / FG
- Ceramic Technique System Kit HP
- Acrylic Contouring & Finishing Kit HP
- Bur Station II
- Carbides
- Adhesives
- Cements
- Porcelain Systems
- Indirect Composite
- Dental Camera
- CAD / CAM Materials
- Preventives
- Dental Waxes
- Articulators & Equipment
- Acrylic Materials & Artificial Teeth