Individualizing Aesthetics in CAD/CAM Restorations

Date: 22 September 2024
Time: 9.00am– 5.30pm
Venue: Frontier Dental Academy
CAD/CAM zirconia restorations are routinely prescribed with increasing digitalization of the dental workflow. Monolithic zirconia restorations require customization to match natural teeth either by staining or porcelain micro-stratification and in some case, use of both techniques especially in the anterior aesthetic zone. While Vintage ZR micro-fine layering porcelain is designed for easy build-up on the CAD/CAM zirconia frame, it also mimics the translucency and opalescence of natural enamel, making it “the” perfect choice for micro-stratification of zirconia restorations. Vintage Art Universal stain system with its “true colour” liquid helps visualize the end outcome without even firing, thus minimizing error, and simplifying the staining protocol for highly aesthetic CAD/CAM restorations. Explore the aesthetic possibilities of CAD/CAM restorations with staining and micro-layering to elevate the quality of monolithic restorations and differentiate your services to meet the patients’ aesthetic and functional needs.
Key Learning Points
- An understanding of dental colour to achieve true shade match.
- Step by step guide to layering Vintage ZR porcelain with emphasis on micro-layering.
- Creating life-like surface textures and anatomical contouring
- Insights to 2D and 3D staining with Vintage Art Universal Stains
Workshop Tasks
- Microstratification and Life-like Staining on Anterior Single Crown
- Individual chracterization of Monolithic CAD/CAM zirconia restoration
Instructor Profile
Connie is a certified dental technician who graduated from Taiwan and has been involved in technical product evaluation and development. She has conducted various workshops/hands-on training in the region. Connie’s commercial experience has been invaluable in driving her to discover the easiest solution for the modern dental laboratory which in turn helps to ensure consistent, predictable results to meet the clinician’s need and minimize the re-restoration cycle. A perfectionist by nature, Connie believes in exploring the material capabilities in depth and imparting valuable practical tips through simple, precise, and predictable steps.