5th Indonesia Prosthodontic Scientific Meeting

Date: 13 September 2024
Venue: Double Tree Hotel, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
10.00am – 11.00am | Mastering Indirect Restorations in Modern Dentistry(Lecture)
These days, adhesive dentistry has revolutionized the way we treat cases of missing tooth structure. Advances in material science and technology has left clinicians spoilt for choice when selecting treatment options for Indirect Restorations. This session aims to highlight varied treatment options available with tips and tricks on how to optimize on the material capabilities and prepare the restorations to be delivered to a patient with simplicity and predictability. In this presentation Dr. Kim will showcase different clinical scenarios where indirect restorations have been successfully placed giving the participants insights on to treatment planning with the end in mind
4.30pm –7.30pm | Simplified Success – More than the usual restoration with polymer ceramics(Hands-on Workshop)
Modern Dentistry puts a premium on treatment protocols that are fast, predictable and versatile. This session aims to take a look at one of the most versatile dental material available today –Polymer Ceramic. We will take a look at its properties and explore what makes it a suitable Indirect Restorative Solution for most clinical cases in general dentistry. Participants will have the opportunity gain insights on this novel restorative option where minimally invasive indirect restorations can be created using a simplified technique with predictable aesthetics and function.
Instructor Profile
Dr. Kimberly Ray R. Fajardo or simply “Dr. Kim”, is a graduate of the University of the East College of Dentistry back in 2009 and was a former instructor of Prosthodontics, Undergraduate Research and Practice Management at the same University. Dr. Kim was a visiting scholar for Implant Dentistry and Prosthodontics at the Seoul National University – Bundang Hospital in 2013. He also attended various postgraduate training courses in Aesthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry from the prestigious New York University – Linhart Continuing Dental Education Program and the University of Southern California – Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry. He is an Active Regular Member of The Philippine Prosthodontic Society and the Philippine Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, a key opinion leader for Shofu Asia Pacific, Pte. Ltd. and one of the advocators for the MiCD Global Network. He shares his passion in teaching both internationally and all over the Philippines giving lectures on topics about Prosthodontics, Esthetic Dentistry and Practice Management to fellow dentists, dental technologists, dental students, and the general public. Dr. Kim maintains a busy Aesthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry practice at his Dental Center by Dr. Kim Fajardo with two locations in the beautiful city of Tagaytay – Ayala Malls Serin and Fora Mall Tagaytay.